Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita | SA Sreedharan ji | Mind and Intellect | Dubai | UAE | Hindu Temple Dubai

Dear Friends,

Mind and Intellect cordially invites you to Lectures of Bhagavad Gita.

Topic : Chapter 4

When : Every Saturday
Timing : 6pm – 7pm (UAE Time) (Bhajans will be played by 5.40pm UAE Time)

Venue : Online (Zoom)
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/344536633?pwd=bEJRaG1NUnZTUVBmVGkyYmZ4NXg3Zz09

Meeting ID: 344 536 633
Passcode: 443460

Register Here

Bhagavad Gita

The Gita brings to light the positive and negative tendencies that lie within you. They are your higher aspirations and lower desires in life that effect your evolution or devolution. Its chaste philosophy helps you conquer desire and regain the supreme Self. The state of Godhood.

The weekly lectures on Gita will help a student with word-meaning, translation as well as the topic-wise division of each chapter which helps the student to capture the thought-flow and message therein.

The Bhagavad Gita literally means ‘Song of the Lord’. The text begins with the word dharma and ends with the word mama. Mama means ‘my’ and dharma , ‘essential Being’. Together they mean ‘my essential Being’. It signifies the theme of the Gita. That the purpose of life is to realise one’s essential Being. To discover the supreme Self within. Attain spiritual Enlightenment

SA Sreedharan ji | Teach Gita in Dubai | Founder of Mind and Intellect | Vedanta Philosopher | Founder of Mind and Intellect

Sreedharan ji

A new-age philosopher and a self-management expert, he has over 26 years in the study and research of ancient wisdom and its practical application in the modern world. His focus has been to help individuals to live life to their full potential, experiencing peace and prosperity.

Saritha Sreedharan

Saritha is a Vedanta Philosopher & a Spiritual Vegan. She conducts growth sessions for teens & Young adults. She let go of her interest in Architecture and took up to the pursuit of ancient wisdom, Vedanta. She was one of the youngest students at the Vedanta academy, joined at the age of 16 years. She is a Senior disciple of Swami Parthasarathy. Been in the study of Vedanta for over 26 years & has dedicated her life to serve the cause of personality rehabilitation.

Saritha Sreedharan | Founder of Mind and Intellect | MI Vegan | Dubai | UAE

Let man lift himself by himself, let him not lower himself;

his self alone is his friend, his self alone is his enemy.

Bhagavad Gita, chapter 6, verse 5